Post Treatment Instructions

Following Endodontic Treatment

Post procedure instructions following endodontic treatment

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 825-5221.
After completion of your root canal, some soreness is normal. Generally, the tooth is tender to biting pressure. This discomfort varies with the severity of the endodontic problem and may last a few days to a few weeks.
Some pain medication may be necessary. We recommend ibuprofen (I.E., Advil, Motrin) or Aspirin. If you’re unable to take Ibuprofen, Tylenol is okay, but it does not contain anti-inflammatory properties.
  Ibuprofen pre-medication:
We recommend an anti-inflammatory pre-medication prior to root canal therapy. Please take 600mg of Ibuprofen every six hours 24 hours prior to your appointment.
   Advil, Ibuprofen or Motrin
Adults: 600 mg 4 times per day (every 6 hours) for 3 days.
Children: 12 years or older: 400 mg 3 times per day (every 8 hours) for 3 days.
   Alternating Ibuprofen and other pain medications:
When taking narcotics along with Ibuprofen, the medications should be alternated. After taking Ibuprofen, you may take 1 tablet of prescribed pain medications 2-3 hours later as needed.
   Temporary Filling:
A temporary filling has been placed in the access opening of your tooth. It is important that you return to your dentist for a permanent crown or filling as soon as your symptoms subside. Please do not chew on this tooth for at least 2 hours after treatment to allow the filling to set. After that, don’t eat anything real sticky or chewy on that tooth as the filling may pull out. The temporary filling may start to “dish out” a little with normal eating and chewing.  There is no need for concern, as long as the bulk of the filling is still in your tooth. If the entire filling comes out, please call our office to have the filling replaced.
   Gum tenderness:
Your gums may be tender around the tooth for a few days after treatment. Mix 1 teaspoon salt with 1 cup warm water, then rinse your mouth for one minute. Rinse several times per day until gum tenderness is gone.
   Salt water chews:
Rinse with warm salt water. Hold the water in your cheek nearest the painful tooth and gently “chew” up and down for a few seconds. Repeat until you have used up the glass of water. Repeat this procedure every hour until tooth is feeling better. Then repeat the warm salt-water rinses six times a day or at least after eating.
  We recommend that you drink plenty of fluids the remainder of the day after your appointment.
Oral hygiene
It is recommended to continue normal brushing after treatment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 825-5221. 
           Rinse with 1 teaspoon salt to 8oz warm water (for 1 minute) every 2 hours for the first 2 days. Then rinse several times a day for 1 week.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 825-5221.
            Place the ice pack provided on your cheek over the surgical area for 15 minutes on, then off for 15 minutes. Continue this for 4 to 6 hours. This helps keeps swelling to a minimum.
           Before the anesthesia wears off, take the pain medicine prescribed according to the instructions on the container. If no pain medication was prescribed, it is recommended that you take a normal over the counter dose of any pain medication for mild to moderate pain that has worked well for you in the past.
           Do not drink carbonated or alcoholic beverages. Avoid brittle crunchy food like nuts, or crackers. Avoid steaming hot liquids. Do not smoke. Try to chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
            For the first 24 hours avoid raising your lip, do not suck through straws, and try to speak as little as possible. These activities might pull sutures and delay healing.
           Do not brush your teeth in the area of the surgery until your sutures have been removed. Follow the directions on the prescribed rinse and continue the rinsing regimen until you have used up the bottle.
           Some swelling and possible bruising can be expected. It will reach its maximum within 48 hours. If you feel that the swelling is excessive call our office.
           We recommend that you drink plenty of fluids the remainder of the day after your appointment.
           Rinse with 1 teaspoon salt to 8oz warm water (for 1 minute) every 2 hours for the first 2 days. Then rinse several times a day for 1 week.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 825-5221.
El diente o muela que ha sido tratado, asi como la encilla y area próxima, van a estar sensitivas por varios días debido al tratamiento y manipulación recibida a consequencia de la condición previa del diente o muela. Esto es normal y no le debe causar ninguna alarma.
q       Su tratamiento de Endodoncia ha sido comenzado:
q       No mastique o coma comidas duras (por ejemplo: cacahuates, pan duro) hasta que el tratamiento de Endodoncia haya sido terminado por el especialista y su dentista le haya tapado el diente o muela con una tapadura protectora y permanente. Nosotros lo hemos tapado con una tapadura temporal. No coma por una hora. Ud. puede continuar con su regimen normal de higiene dental. Existe la posibilidad que su tapadura se baje un poco dentro del diente o muela, esto es normal. Coma comidas blandas hasta que su dentista le coloque la corona permanente para evitar que se le quiebre el diente o la muela tratada.
q       Su molestia sera aliviada si hace uno de los siguientes procedimientos:
q       Tome de 600/800 mg de Ibuprofen (ADVIL, MOTRIN) cada 6 horas con 8 oz. de agua.
q       Tome 1000 mg de Acetaminophen (TYLENOL) cada 6 horas con 8 oz. de agua.
q       Enjúague el area con una solución de ½ cucharadita de sal en 6 oz. de agua tibia ________ veces al día por los próximos _________ días.
q       Su tratamiento de Endodoncia ha sido terminado:
El canal – o canales del diente o muela han sido sellados permanentemente. Sinembargo la superficie dental solamente tiene una tapadura temporal. Ud. debe obtener una tapadura permanente o corona para protejer el diente o muela para que no se le quiebre o pique. El paciente es responsable de cerciorarse que el dentista que lo recomendó a esta oficina de especialistas le tape el diente o muela permanentemente. Por favor, llame a su dentista para hacer una cita para este procedimiento. Nosotros le mandaremos a su dentista un reporte completo del tratamiento hecho por nosotros.
q       El tratamiento de Endodoncia ha sido terminado por nuestros especialistas:
El tratamiento de Endodoncia ha sido terminado por nuestros especialistas, el canal ha sido sellado y su dentista le ha tapado permanentemente el diente o muela. Ahora Ud. debe llamar a su dentista para continuar con su cuidado dental rutinario. Llámelo por favor.
Si usted tiene alguna molestia que no se puede controlar con los tratamientos prescritos arriba, o si se hincha o inflama más, llame a estas oficinas inmediatamente. El teléfono de la oficina es contestado día y noche. Si necesita llamar despues de las horas de oficina por favor tenga a la mano el número telefónico de su farmacia que esta abierta a la hora que Ud. llama.
Post–Surgery Home Care Instructions


Reeves Endodontics & Associates
5420 Kietzke Lane, Suite 100
Reno, NV 89511

Phone: (775) 825-5221
Fax: (775) 823-9824
